The Dream Factory

Who are we?

Welcome to ParentVille Parties, the Online Market for Children Parties in the London area!

We are 7 London mums and we have handpicked everything you need based on referrals from our trusted network of parents. We only feature party artists and reputable providers that we tested or met personally.

Our Online Market is a handy tool for busy parents in London.

Planning a child’s party can be daunting: finding a venue, an entertainer, a caterer, ordering party bags and decorations, buying the perfect cake and even hiring a photographer for the day! ParentVille Parties is here to make planning a kids dream party fun and rewarding… without all the stress.

It is fast & simple: You can browse photos and verified parents reviews under each listing while comparing prices. You can also chat freely with the providers to discuss your specific requirements. Once your choice is made, booking is only a few clicks away!

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