Back to school checklists

By: Parentville | 25 Aug 2016


Autumn means back to school after the long summer break. Make sure your child has everything ready in time for the start of the new term with our handy checklists.


Reception – first time at school

  • Uniform – enough shirts and trousers so you don’t have to wash every evening
  • School socks
  • PE Kit
  • School shoes, trainers and wellies. Shoes with Velcro fastenings are much easier for them to do themselves
  • Book bag – usually school branded
  • Sun hat
  • Waterproof coat
  • Familiarise your child with key teachers names
  • Water bottle/cup for classroom and playground (each school differs)
  • Packed lunch box if not opting for school dinners
  • Full name on all possessions – name stickers are great as they don’t come off in the wash and you don’t need to sew them on!
  • Make sure they practice putting on their own socks and shoes and getting changed so they are ready for PE lessons.

Top tip: Put name stickers on the inside edge of each shoe so when you put the shoes together, the stickers are next to each other so your child can easily work out which foot each shoe goes on


Back to Primary School

  • Check school shoes, trainers and wellies still fit
  • Check uniform and sports kit for holes, signs of wear and make sure it all still fits
  • Make sure all uniform including sports kit is named properly
  • If using existing uniform make sure it’s all washed and ironed in time
  • If the school doesn’t have a school uniform it’s a good idea to buy some inexpensive clothes that you don’t mind getting paint/pen/mud/school dinners on
  • Ensure any homework has been done and checked
  • Hair cut ready for the new term
  • If they need a water bottle check the old one is still serviceable
  • Make sure your child has a waterproof coat that fits for autumn downpours
  • If your child has a new teacher, make sure they know his/her name and key teaching assistants

Top tip: Most schools take donations of uniform items that your child has grown out of and will sell second hands clothes to save on costs


Back to Pre-School or Nursery

  • Sun hat and sun cream for warm autumn days
  • Check spare clothes/underwear left at pre-school or nursery still fit – if not replace with new ones
  • Check slippers and wellies still fit if needed
  • Waterproof coat that fits for rainy weather
  • If your child is still in nappies make sure you have a supply to leave with pre-school plus wipes if needed
  • If your baby is still taking formula make sure you have a supply plus sterilised bottles to take to nursery
  • Dummies if used
  • Comforter/favourite cuddly toy to soothe them on their first few days back
  • If you’ve been on holiday send them in with something for show and tell so they can tell everyone what they’ve been up to

Top tip: If your little one has been off all summer arrange a few play dates with his/her pre-school chums so he/she gets excited about seeing them again at pre-school


If you have more tips to share with other parents, don’t hesitate to comment or drop me a line!

Katie from team ParentVille


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