Quick and easy lasagna recipe !

By: Parentville | 7 Jan 2017

The Easy Béchamel Sauce: 3 spoons of flour 75cl of milk 100 g of butter Bouillon (optional) It all starts with the Béchamel. This sauce looks so…

Create your own pizza!

By: Parentville | 6 Jan 2017

Dinner time.. Again.. And you have no idea what to cook that will please everyone yet be a healthy(ish)! You’re on the verge of ordering…

How to make tofu attractive?

By: Parentville | 2 Jan 2017

If like us you tend to lower your meat-eating during the summer, or have decided to go on the vegetarian slope then you’ll know that…

Eggless Brownies

By: Parentville | 29 Oct 2016

I wanted to make an egg-free or eggless cake and ended up going for everyone’s favourite… brownies 🙂 Here’s the recipe for a brownie that fits…

My Perfected Lemon Cake Recipe

By: Parentville | 25 Aug 2016

I made a number of lemon cakes in the last few weeks to get it perfectly right. It’s also due to the fact that my daughter…

Sunday Cupcake Baking

By: Parentville | 2 Jun 2016

After having tested many cupcake recipes (I have always been a big fan of these little miracles but I was never quite convinced by what…

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