5 fabulous end of the year teacher’s gifts

By: Parentville | 27 Jun 2018

The school is almost over, summer holidays are here. It’s time to thank the teachers for a wonderful year of good learning and great fun with an end of the year gift they will treasure and remember for many years to come. Check out our top tips for personalized and very sweet gifts. Teachers will love them. And kids too!

Create your own pizza!

By: Parentville | 6 Jan 2017

Dinner time.. Again.. And you have no idea what to cook that will please everyone yet be a healthy(ish)! You’re on the verge of ordering…

Preparing for a flight with kids?

By: Parentville | 18 Dec 2016

You’ve bought your airline tickets, scoured the Internet for the best child-friendly accommodation and you’re ready to go. Time to relax and enjoy the holiday,…

Schools – Where to Start?

By: Parentville | 4 Oct 2016

This is how it goes. You pee on a stick. Small hurrah. You bite your nails for the next 12 weeks before sharing the news….

The Best Decoration Ideas for a child friendly Halloween !

By: Parentville | 27 Sep 2016

From pumpkins to spooky finger food a children’s Halloween Party can be great fun. Here are our top decoration ideas to spook up your house without frightening the children

Carved pumpkin: Whether you buy an organic one from a farmers market or head to your nearest supermarket, no Halloween party is complete without a carved pumpkin. Get the kids to help choose a design and scoop out the insides so they feel involved. For extra safety buy a flameless tea light to sit inside the pumpkin rather than a candle then set it outside to glow in the dark.

How to take good photos of your children’s party? 5 top tips

By: Parentville | 26 Sep 2016

Photographing children’s birthday parties can be great fun, with priceless expressions and lots going on. As a parent, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement (and organising things!), but it’s lovely to have a documentary record of the day to look back on – especially in the years to come.

Luckily we have award-winning children’s photographer, Heather Neilson on hand to share her top tips for photographing your child’s party.

Dealing with Separation Anxiety

By: Parentville | 30 Aug 2016

Are you planning to leave your child with a carer for the first time? Is he/she going to a new nursery/ school this autumn? All parents…

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