“If you are going to work for yourself you have to enjoy it”

By: Parentville | 28 Sep 2017

We support small businesses and that’s why we love to share the inspiring stories of our entrepreneurs. Griselda is one of the new members of Parentville Parties family and we are thrilled to share with you why and how she started her own business of gorgeous Handmade Biscuits that bring delight and pleasure, both to look at and to eat!

Read why Griselda left her previous career behind, her wise advice to fellow entrepreneurs and how she embraced this new adventure.

ParentVille: Why did you decide to have your own business? unnamed

I left my previous career after having two beautiful daughters. As they got older and started school, I realised

I wanted to work again, but in a different capacity. I wanted to do something that I felt passionate about and incorporated things I enjoy, and was good at.  

P: And why baking biscuits?

I spent a long time looking at various ideas, and trying to figure out what direction to go in. Enchanting Bakes came to me early one morning and I knew instantly it was what I was going to try and build as a business. I enjoy both the planning and development side of the business, and obviously, I love the baking side. Both the creativity of designing biscuits, and making them. 

P: Tell us more about your own background prior to this venture

I worked in media both magazine publishing and digital marketing and advertising. It was a really exciting place to be, as I started working in digital media when it was a fledgling business. That gave me some good grounding in starting my own business, and some of the challenges you face.


P:Talking about challenges, what was your biggest one when you first started?

Trying to do everything instantly without thinking about the best way to do it. I think my natural enthusiasm is both a blessing and a curse as I get so excited about working on new biscuits and orders, but still need to accept it takes time to get the products, packaging, invoicing, website and internal systems right. The great thing about running your own small business is you get to learn on the job, and can turn most mistakes into a positive. However, it can be overwhelming unless you break things down into manageable chunks and deliver against one thing at a time.

P: Is London a good environment for starting a business?

It’s my hometown so I will always think it is the most amazing place to be! It is very useful as many of my corporate clients are near enough for a face to face chat if needed, and it helps on timings when they want to send couriers to pick things up.

P: What is your biggest achievement so far?

I made just under 2,000 biscuits in a few days for one of my corporate clients which kept me busy. Without sounding too trite, I would say that my main achievement is setting up a successful business from a standing start that genuinely makes people happy, and is both enjoyable, interesting and profitable.

P: Who are your clients?enchanting bakes halloween

People who like biscuits! I also work more and more with organisations such as corporate clients, event planners, wedding planners etc. But anyone who loves beautiful and delicious biscuits is a potential client.

P: How do you maintain your work/ life balance?

I work during the day when my children are at school and I am very organised about squeezing every last useful minute out of that time. I tell myself I can work through the night once the girls are in bed if there
is a huge order to complete – I haven’t had to yet – So I try to make sure work and life are complimenting each other. I love what I do so working occasional weekends etc, does not seem too much of a chore. My husband
is very supportive in helping me if I have a deadline or large order, and we will plan how and when we can both work, without compromising family time, and childcare.   

P: Any advice you would give to a fellow entrepreneur?

Firstly, do something you love. It is a cliché, but if you love what you do, you really don’t resent the late night emails and planning. If you are going to work for yourself, with all the pros and cons of that, then you have to enjoy it.

Make sure you are legal, and then just get on with it! There are strict regulations about setting up a food business, but once you have the basics in place, just get on with it and learn as you go. Business planning is a fluid thing – not set in stone….

Griselda's new baby cookie box at Parentville Parties

Finally, check who you know and ask for favours. You’d be surprised what your friends and family all know about. My friend the designer who did my logo, another friend who works in the food industry and helped me get set up, my daughter’s friends dad who is a lawyer and checked my terms and conditions, and those amazing friends and family members who ordered biscuits when I first got going and gave amazing feedback that helped me shape things moving forward.

P: what are your favourite hangout places during the weekends?

I love being at home with the girls and my husband – just pottering about! We also love heading off on activities be it swimming, cycling or just wandering along Southbank and seeing what’s going on. I still enjoy cooking for friends and having large, loud meals. I’m also an avid runner and try to do a 10K every 3-4 months to keep me going.


P: What are your future plans? 

To keep making amazing biscuits that make people happy. Hearing that our biscuits have been enjoyed and made people happy is what we are all about!

P: What is your favourite kitchen appliance/hack? 

I love my KitchenAid stand mixer. It genuinely makes me very very happy!

P: What is your choice drink in a coffee shop? 

Skinny Flat White. Plus a good look at the biscuits and cookies.


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