What to pack for a long haul flight with kids

By: Parentville | 7 Jul 2017
Kids are finally on holidays and for many London families, this weekend will be spent traveling to a warm and relaxed destination for some deserved days by the beach with the kids. Although the thought of holidays is always pleasant, the logistics it involves for parents (especially mums, let’s be honest) might be a bit stressful.
There is too much to be done before going to the airport. Last minute chores at the house, last minute emails to make sure everything is in order at work and, of course, packing. I love going on holidays but I hate packing. I really do. I always try to start packing the kids clothes in advance, a few days before the trip, and I end up just squeezing in my stuff in the end. Can you relate to that?
Traveling by plane it’s not my favorite thing in the world but, unless you travel in the UK, you don’t really have much choice. Besides what you take in your luggage you have to take a handbag or backpack full of things to entertain the little ones and for their basic needs.
I remember when my oldest son was about 3 years old, I always traveled with a little box of crisps. It was our “emergency kit” for plane delays, loud tantrums or any other situation that required some special treat. For my youngest daughter, I always took at least two bottles of milk. Now, as a treat, I take gum and jelly beans :). For entertainment, white paper, lots of coloring pencils, sticker books, reading books and our kids kindle tablet.
If you are wondering what to take on the plane with you to make your trip easier with the kids, check out our checklist with things you might need for the journey and to entertain your little ones.
Have a great summer holiday!
For the journey, you might need:
☑ A collapsible one-piece stroller
☑ Cardigans or comfy jackets
☑ A soft pashmina or small blanket
☑ A large muslin for the baby bassinet
☑ Decompression socks to minimise the risk of deep vein thrombosis
☑ More nappies and wipes than you need
☑ 2 or 3 extra dummies
☑ Your child’s comforter
☑ A couple of changes of clothes for your children and at least one for you
☑ Infant paracetamol/ibuprofen in sachets
☑ Premixed formula and sealed baby food jars or pouches
☑ Hand sanitizing wipes
☑ A good supply of clean muslins
☑ For babies: a sleeping bag, a CD of favourite lullabies, a beloved cuddly toy or blanket.
☑ A variety of new sticker books and activity books
☑ A personal DVD Player or Tablet
☑ Children’s earphones
☑ Plenty of snacks: breadsticks, crackers, rice cakes, fruit, and raisins
☑ Your child’s hand luggage bag or Trunki with some of their favourite toys (let them pick a few)
☑ Lot’s of white paper and colouring pencils
☑ Your kids favourite treats
☑ A tablet for the kids. Our choice goes to Kindle. Love all the parenting control already set up and there are fun and creative games for all ages.



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