Quick DIY party ideas to get your house party-ready

By: Parentville | 24 Oct 2017

You’ve been busy all morning baking the birthday cake and making sandwiches and you suddenly realise the house is a mess.Just follow these DIY easy party ideas and get your house party-ready in no time. Here is how you can create a party-ready house before the hoards of children arrive:


  1. Space

The most important thing to try and create is space so children have room to have fun without bumping into things. Choose which room would best suit the party and try and de-clutter as much possible. Push back your sofas and move any small bits of furniture like coffee tables and footstools into another room. Remove any valuables or place them up high out of the reach of small hands. If you’re having an entertainer, make sure you have space for them and their equipment close to a power supply in case they need to plug things in.


  1. Balloons

Balloons are a quick and cheap way to make a room look pretty and they can double up as party gifts to give guests at the end – just make sure younger kids can’t reach them as lots of popping balloons can scare small ears. If you have time, put some confetti or coloured scraps of paper into clear balloons before you blow them up – they’ll look fab once fully blown.

See this quick and easy tutorial by Evite on how to do it:


  1. Table Dressing

A tablecloth over your dining room table will instantly brighten up the room. Place some cupcakes on a cake stand, birthday cake, nibbles in decorative bowls and some flowers in a vase at one end and you’ve created a centerpiece for the room. If you have time, sprinkle some sequins or plastic jewels over the tablecloth for a touch of sparkle.


  1. Fairy Lights

String up your Christmas fairy lights around the room, pinning them along bookshelves or around a picture on the wall. This adds a real touch of magic that kids of all ages will love. Get inspired with these Quick DIY party ideas and how to make flower lights.


  1. Paper Streamers

Twist them, wind them up, curl them or braid them – there’s so much you can do with these crepe paper decorations and they’re inexpensive too. Whichever way you choose to use them, colourful paper streamers can instantly lift a room and you can choose your colours depending on the theme of the party. Check out these fabulous quick DIY party ideas on How to decorate with Crepe Paper Streamers by pretty Little Party Shop


  1. Cupcake garland

Grab some unused cupcake cases – the more colourful the better – and string them up to create a pretty garland. Simply pierce a hole in the centre of the base and thread some string through them to link together. Hang from a fireplace or around a picture or simply drop them down from the ceiling. Quick, cheap but effective! Ad some extra colour and decorate your cupcakes as well. Get inspired with this quick DIY party ideas for a beautiful Confetti & Sprinkles birthday Party by Kara’s Parties ideas.


  1. Bunting

A great way to get your room looking ready for a party, bunting is quick to make yourself if you have some coloured card and string. Simply cut the card into triangles and then punch a hole in each one at the top. Sting together and voila, you’ve got a great decoration. If you have time, and the inclination you can add stickers or drawings to theme the bunting.


  1. Paper number

If you’ve got any left over tissue paper you can scrunch it up into little balls and shape into the age of your child. Then stick the paper number on a large piece of card and stand it up on the table or blue-tack it to the wall.


  1. Straws

Wrap some colourful ribbon or coloured tape around your drinking straws to create a fun decoration for drinks. I also loved this idea by Little Big bell… how cute are these milk bottles with mini doughnuts! Check some more quick DIY party ideas for decorating your party table with beautiful straws.



  1. Photos

Print out some photos of your child from birth to current age and hang them up around the room – a sweet reminder of how far they have come!

Looking for balloons, personalised party supplies or all-inclusive decoration boxes delivered to your door? Check out our Decoration section on ParentVille Parties.


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